Love good music? Would like to taste the World? Wish to unwind and discover new voices? Or just want to feel good in a great company at a beautiful place by the Lake Balaton…

AGO Benin Brass Band ( Bruxelles & Benin )

CSAVARGŐZÖS színpad - Balaton Csavargőzös Műemlékhajó, Boglári kikötő, 20 July 2017, Thursday, 17:00

AGO! Benin Brass is the neo-brass band project of 2017. A mix of authentic grooves and melodies from Benin with contemporary arrangements and compositions from Brussels. 9 top-class musicians from Benin and Brussels take you on a journey. After an artistic residence in Cotonou, the band tours in Belgium and abroad from mid June till mid July 2017!

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